Art exhibition SOAKED

The gallery space transforms into a transcendent meeting place

The Heimann Foundation and the “Vivere Arte” gallery in Wiesloch invite you to the art exhibition SOAKED created by the Kunst-TANDEM-artistico.

Grafikdesign Manuel Gensheimer (@manuelgensheimer)

In the art project Kunst-TANDEM-artistico, the Italian-based artist Vitalii Fedotov and the German artist Mimi Kohler will transform the gallery space of the “Vivere Arte” gallery into a transcendent meeting place—a hybrid zone between ritual and experiment, a vibrant centre of exchange. Inspired by the long history of public baths, which have served as spaces of healing, social interaction, and intellectual debate for centuries, Vitalii Fedotov and Mimi Kohler create an immersive installation that dissolves boundaries and makes touch tangible as a medium of transformation.
Die ortsspezifische Arbeit wurzelt in einem Künstleraufenthalt in Italien, den beide 2018 absolvierten – ein Stipendium der Heimann Stiftung, das eine unerwartete soziale Dynamik hervorrief. Eine schlichte Jacuzzi-Wanne wurde zum Epizentrum eines kollektiven Rituals: Ein Ort, der ursprünglich für Rückzug und Entspannung gedacht war, wurde zum überfüllten Schmelztiegel, in dem kulturelle, sprachliche und soziale Differenzen verflossen. Das Wasser wurde zur Metapher für die Durchlässigkeit von Identität, die keramischen Oberflächen zur Membran zwischen Individuum und Gemeinschaft. Was als beiläufige Begegnung begann, mündete in einen Moment ungeahnter Nähe – physisch wie emotional. Jeder wurde durchtränkt, jeder nahm auf, jeder wurde Teil des Anderen.
Fedotov and Kohler work with ceramic sculptures that reflect both the permanence and transience of human interaction. Each object carries the imprint of the hands that shaped it—an intimate inscription of physical identity. In this interplay between materiality and fluidity, their works make the dynamics of encounter and transformation tangible.

The exhibition in the gallery “Vivere Arte” Marktstr. 11 in Wiesloch is open from Saturday March 15th to Sunday March 23rd daily from 4pm to 6pm. The vernissage is on Friday March 14th at 7pm.

Vitalii Fedotov, born in 1994 in Luhansk, Ukraine, lives and works between Bozen and Florence, Italy. He is a mixed media artist and educator, currently working as academic staff in the Faculty of Design and Art at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano.

He studied painting at the Luhansk State Academy of Culture and Arts in Ukraine for two years before continuing his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts Florence from 2014 to 2017, where he graduated with honours.

Mimi Kohler, lives and works in Stuttgart. Since 2021, she has been studying at the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart under Prof. Christian Jankowski. Her career includes numerous exhibitions, including several solo shows as well as participation in group exhibitions.

La mostra Kunst-TANDEM-artistico è realizzata insieme a:

La galleria d'arte Vivere Arte a Wiesloch